The abracadabra! Newsletter

Want more of the magic? Subscribe to our Substack to access ongoing mystical offerings including excerpts from the print magazine, playlists, high-vibrational recommendations, calls + classifieds, and more. Physical abracadabra! subscribers will Automatically be added to our paid substack list ~ no need to pay twice!

We will send out periodic emails to everyone who subscribes (including free users) with updates on the physical magazine, lists of the magical things Maddy and Izzy have discovered, and manifestations we think you might enjoy. Paid subscribers (again, physical subscribers automatically included) get exclusive access to in-person events, merch drops, digital excerpts, and more.

We hope you will come along this journey with us, as we endeavor to make the world a more magical place as in the spirit of our namesake, abracadabra❢, “we make it so with our words.”

May the powers of manifestation be on your side today 𑜸